Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Vertxio Two: JMeter first blush

In Vertxio One we created our first Vertxio microservice.
Now lets "kick the tires".  We are going to have your microservice serve up a 2 MB file per request.
We will use JMeter as the client and see *roughly* what the microservice can do.

Update Microservice:

Computer: Lenovo Laptop.  Windows 7 64-bit. i5-3320M with 8GB ram.
JMETER Parameters:
300 users with a 600 second ramp up time.

JMETER results: (take results with a grain of sand knowing that I ran it in GUI &
 graphing mode and didn't turn off other apps.  This is just a ballpark to see what it initially yeilds.)
  1. You can see that the throughput is 9,278 requests/minute. :)
  2. The standard deviation is a touch higher than I would like.  But again, this is first blush.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Vertxio One: Getting a Vertxio and Gradle up and running.

These the artifacts to get Vertxio3 up and running as a Gradle project.
I'm using Eclipse for the posting but you can use any environment you would like.
This will be an ongoing blog.

Vertxio One: Getting a Vertxio and Gradle up and running.
Vertxio Two: JMeter First Blush

1) You will need JAVA 8 and Vertxio 3.

2) Create a Gradle Project.

3) Edit gradle.build - copy and paste.  Then add your class under the NOTE comment

4) Update dependencies

5) Create class that extends AbstractVerticle.